That's right! This 3" tall, 10" long "Ghostbuster" bumper sticker could be hastily applied to your vehicle! (Well, not this specific one, but one just like it.)

The rules are simple:
E-mail a photo showing your Ghostbusters fandom to This could be as simple as a Ghostbusters t-shirt selfie, or something as awesome as an '80s Polaroid of you playing with the classic Ghostbusters toys from Kenner.
Please keep the photo G-Rated.
The winner will be my personal favorite photo. It's totally subjective!
The winning photo (or maybe all of them, depending on my mood) will be posted on this blog, so make sure that you're on the top of your Ghostbusting game. Contest ends February 28th, 2018.
Good luck!
UPDATE: Thanks for the entries so far! Keep them coming!
