As anyone who knows me can tell you, I am a soda addict. Always have been. I'm not embarrassed by it; there are a lot of worse vices. As I've mentioned before, Coke is by far my carbonated elixir of choice, and occasionally I treat myself to something exotic at the Cracker Barrel store. (If you've never tried Moxie, get on that.) Although I don't hate it, I'm not a big Dr Pepper fan. Lest you think I've lost my OCD, there actually isn't a period in the drink's name.
One thing I am not is a planner. For the most part, I've never really bought groceries. Of course I know I'm going to be hungry at some point, but I'm often out and about, so I just grab something on the road. (I've also been known to mooch off of my parents. If they didn't want to feed me for my entire life, they shouldn't have had me!) I will admit that since I've gotten married, I've very much enjoyed having an actual dinner at home on a fairly regular basis. Of course, Adrienne's culinary wizardry is legendary.
My wife and I stopped at a supermarket yesterday to restock on the major food group of ramen noodles. While there, I was confronted with a conundrum: Did I want to buy three twelve-packs of Dr Pepper, in order to get an '80s arcade-themed t-shirt? Yet another t-shirt would likely rank among the last things I need, and I briefly contemplated just getting the shirt on eBay later and sparing myself the expense of a drink I didn't crave. But then, I might as well have gotten the soda and the free shirt! At its core, though, wouldn't wearing the shirt be the equivalent of giving Dr Pepper free advertising? Or would the vintage vibe of the attire be sufficient to quell any moral outrage at being a corporate shill? My brain reeled for what felt like minutes.
Finally, I saw the "buy two, get one free" sign, and all was made clear. Now, it wasn't a big commitment. I could do this. I went home with three twelve-packs of a drink I don't especially like, to get a shirt promoting said beverage to random onlookers. At the crux of it all, I'm such a huge '80s fan that I just didn't care. The shirt will be shipping in two months, at which point I will update this article with some of my renowned modeling. I wanted to post about the deal now, in order to spread the word to anyone who might be interested. Even the shipping is free. The deadline is August fifteenth, so get sugared up before it's too late! There are actually quite a few shirt designs, but why wouldn't you want the arcade one?
Here are the boxes in question. We obviously care about what we put into our bodies.

